Monday 5 May 2008

Chocolate Chip Cupcakes

The three C's!! Very important if you ask me. These Cupcakes not only have chocolate chips in the cupcake itself but also have shards of chocolate in the butter cream. I made these for work, its my "turn" to take some chocolate in to sustain us through the day, I decided to bake instead of going for the standard chocolate bar muiltpack. The recipe is orginally from the blog "I like cake!"
I loved the idea of adding more chocolate to the butter cream.

Preheat the oven to 180oC
Just over 2 Oz unsalted butter, softened
4 Oz sugar
1 large egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
8 Oz plain flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
118 ml milk
4 Oz chocolate chips

Mix together the butter, sugar, egg and Vanilla. Add in slowly the flour, baking powder and salt. Splash in some milk now and again to help you to mix it.

Finish adding the milk and beat the mixture until smooth. Pour in the chocolate chips and stir until well mixed in.

Put cupcake cases into a baking tray and fill each case with the mixture. I used an ice cream scope to spoon in the mixture. It didn't look like much in each case but they rose right to the top of the case without overflowing and they were all equal. I was able to get 12 cakes out it this way.

Bake for 20-25 mins until a cake tester comes out clean from the centre of them.

Remove from oven and leave to cool thoroughly, belive me its worth it if you do!

Butter cream ingredients

113g of butter
1 pound of icing sugar (seems like TONS but it works ;)
1tsp of vanilla
1tbsp of milk

I added all the ingredients together straight away and then started mixing but it might be better if you add the icing sugar in slowly to save it going everywhere. Once all the icing sugar is mixed into the butter beat it until smooth.

Now the magic bit!

Using an electric food processor add chunks of chocolate and blend until quite fine. I used about 2 Oz. Another alternative could be to use chocolate sprinkles you can now get from cadburys. Stir the chocolate into the butter cream.

I put the butter cream into the fridge to wait for the cakes to completely cool. Once they are I used a piping bag with no nozzle to pipe of the cream.

I have on good authority that they taste good but I wont try any till tomorrow at work!

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